
Contact Jamie for pricing and more information

pray, hands, praying hands

Basic Enneagram Training: From a Christian Perspective

See the Enneagram through the Harmony Triad perspective and learn how we can take ownership to grow into who God has created and called us to be mind, body, and heart.

This is not about putting you in a box, blaming self or others, or defining an identity for you; it is about making you aware of blindspots in your perspective and relating to others SO THAT you can be actively engage in the growth progress with more awareness of how to specifically do that.

Enneagram & Relationships: With God, Others, & Self

The Enneagram philosophy is based off of the idea that we created maladaptive strategies to help us cope with the world we grew up in. Those helped us survive in childhood and adolescence, though often hurt our relationships in adulthood and keep us from the thriving healthy relationships we desire.

family, kids, baby

The Enneagram in Leadership

The Enneagram can help businesses, boards, organizations, groups, staff, and individual leaders learn how to have better understanding and empathy for others, how to motivate different personalities differently, understand the strengths and weaknesses of your members, how to communicate more effectively with each type, and to understand where your organization may have holes or imbalances in your leadership/staff.